You can hear the man talking about the war in the background in the dust field. You are suddenly there. Bang, crash, you duck for cover as the shell whizzes by. YOur throat is hot and sore from the smoke and dust filled air and your face is wet with the tears of war and blood shed.

YOu see in front of you the dead and dying, some people in never ending sleep

In front there lay a city covered in a layer of rubble. People laid out on the ground and as the sun woke up they started to come to life.1 2 3 people stood up and started to wace up the ufer people scattered on the floor the night was rough for the people

Beomd the car the wiser a long and glomer brick that to brere solger stand

2 characters effected: Curly’s wife and Crooks. Crook effected by racism as being black man on the ranch. Curly’s wife effected by sexism. She’s 1 of the few women at the ranch

The way the novel explains social circumstance of 30’s California Shows people that wokr in the ranch are the lowest of the low. The two people I,ve chosen are even lower as one is black and one is female.

Explain how interaction of characters shows Steinbecks ideas about Isolation He shows it by explaining how and what people have to do just to get a small amount of money in that era. Lennie and George are different they have a dream that they are close to fulfilling. It also shows that most people in that era had noone to speak to all call friends. they kept themselves to themselves.

Structure of the novel and isolation the structure of the novel makes us think about isolation because it shows us in great detail about how they live. How black people are segregated.

How Language used shows us the effects of isolation on mice and men That one I can’t answer.

For CRuiks and Curlys wife, the ranch is in the middle of nowhere, no close neighbours etc. they have to make their own entertainment and feel cut off somewhat. cutleys wife feels this keenly especially as she is the only female and has no companions. Wife in 1930’s America was expected to look after her family. both characters appear bored

The book shos lener and goers It is theat lener has lower iq and is got anter difelop bran and is a strugol to under stanza that Is hard to fit in wider ever 1 discos of his bidodilot in the timer it was sent it woser on under stod the thip of bidodilot wer exstrem his mento ager wor ruffled of a 6yer old and and is hard 4him to fit in to the card of people in that time of the rook woser riton in a do from store wif goerg goerg is stuck unifier lener ger is chit in telosont fore that time 4 he locer utter lener biceps Hester a cinder and is got a spot 4 goerg bicos he told hin to jump in to a river and lener can not suimer and goer junin and rescuer hi and discos of lener intelogon is hiler before hi forgot that goer mad in gump in the water and lener woser os grat fol that hi recod hi that he forgot oh mad hi jump in to the river in the fears plaster and then goer felt sore 4 macing him Juno in and diciest hi recod hi fro the river hi wos so grat fo 4 saving hi I cod no lef hi to get tiger dy the user men at the ruck I tock hi in to my hart and that haw we dicamer ferns and that haw this store dicamer to hapons and

From Cameron dealing

Ps) I fell sore 4 Goger dicots I hapon to de dislecsick and I strugol in this day Dut 4 Goger in 1860 it mus af de to her 4 hi in that tin

Pps) and I finicky is ring to pick on sum 1 if ther gay ,black ,Chinese ,Japan’s Or ment tile chalking

My firs on the store of miser and men From Cameron fearing

Character – George

Key guotation Ther store theatre there tel to Leanne

‘Guys like us, that work on ranches , are the loneliest guess in the world the got no place. They come to a ranch work up a stake and tear they go inta town and blow their stake and the first thing you know they poundi

George is saing to Leanne that people that were on ranches haver no 1 to go to if ther is som thing rong but we hager each other George lock out 4 Leanne and Leanne lock out 4 George and thaer haver each other to go 2 but Leanne seems to de anger at something that George has seb to him George said to Leanne if I bidon haver u I cod tack my 50 buds go to a hoer hawser and haver a good timer with the men u all wis get in trouble we wreck 4 to weeks and they’re u get in trouble then we get chase out of the ranch it get on his nerves

The appearance of George In the book it creates a picture of the character in focusing on George

The  transvestism fesers r lic cool and the r meaner more lick lol mining loafer at ladder and the older genorason fis it men’s the at is loser of  love and sum hand gets r ouster lic sruging fo the shoulders and wafting hans a rand .

sum gest men wes lic raising The ideals Men’s reler and raising 1 ideal men’s ok I find urge Klingon a dat sumfin lic mw3 is a soter wiser to saer moron Werner and cod men’s cooler of voter  .

i finck sum fo yet her wers r user 4 if oyster to langwistick wears in the lustl pagigrut

Dan : these ipad are good to use in clclass
cam: yah dut Tyne no games on here
Dan: they have on games because people will play them and won’t do there work
cam: but u can still get inot Facebook and twitter
dan: that’s a good thing do
cam: I no we go 1 eher
dan: yer
cam: got to go
dan: sand
cam: cool
dan: cool

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