of mice and men

Character – George

Key guotation
Ther store theatre there tel to Leanne

‘Guys like us, that work on ranches , are the loneliest guess in the world the got no place. They come to a ranch work up a stake and tear they go inta town and blow their stake and the first thing you know they poundi

George is saing to Leanne that people that were on ranches haver no 1 to go to if ther is som thing rong but we hager each other George lock out 4 Leanne and Leanne lock out 4 George and thaer haver each other to go 2 but Leanne seems to de anger at something that George has seb to him George said to Leanne if I bidon haver u I cod tack my 50 buds go to a hoer hawser and haver a good timer with the men u all wis get in trouble we wreck 4 to weeks and they’re u get in trouble then we get chase out of the ranch it get on his nerves

The appearance of George
In the book it creates a picture of the character in focusing on George






One response to “of mice and men”

  1. Christopher Waugh Avatar

    This is good preparation work, Cameron – you’re seeing the presence of the significant theme of friendship/isolation in the text.
